The Strengthening Families Program is for families with children 10-14 years old. Middle school adolescence is a time of transition. Physical, mental, emotional, social, and hormonal changes dominate this developmental time. Oftentimes, with change comes conflict. Families with children in this age range experience stress, pressure, and communication difficulties at a minimum. We want to help our community with these issues.
Strengthening Families is a weekly 2-hour class that runs for seven total weeks. We will learn about managing emotions, setting goals, creating better relationships, communication, and so much more. We play games and have family activities. We offer a complimentary dinner every week because we understand that families are busy and we want to do everything we can to make participation a joy rather than a chore. This is a free program for families in the Quincy community.
Click for English flyer. Click for Spanish flyer.
All families have strengths. Click here to get signed up!