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This training will be in-person and is for SFP 10-14 new facilitators who will be working in a team of three to deliver the evidence-based prevention program to families in their local communities.

The training will include:

  • an introduction to SFP 10-14,
  • review and practice of the 7-week program in a team setting,
  • review of the research and current updates,
  • discussion- and experiential-based engagement with the curriculum and participants,
  • readiness-primer to discuss implementation, logistics, technology, recruitment and retention, and
  • technical support for next steps.

Training Dates: PART 1 – October 6-7 & PART 2 – October 20-21, 2023 (two weekends: Friday evening and Saturday all day) PART 1 and PART 2 are required for full certification.

Time: Friday 5-8:30 pm & Saturday 8:30-5 pm

Location: Quincy High School Library | 403 Jackrabbit St. NE | Quincy, Washington

Trainers: AnaMaria Diaz Martinez (National Trainer) a.martinez@wsu.edu |

Training Cost: $0.0

Meals: On Your Own

Registration Closes: October 2, 2023

Registration: https://wsu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8hNmuLfqrIb8lhA

For training and registration information or general program questions: AnaMaria Diaz Martinez a.martinez@wsu.edu. For ADA accommodations or site/location questions contact Crystal Cruz cmcruz@grantcountywa.gov.

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